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07 3924 8350

Holiday Services

Come home from holidays to a clean pool

So you are going away for a week or more and definitely don't want to come back to a swamp. If you want someone to keep an eye out and make sure nothing goes wrong while you are away then Pool Geeks has the solution.

We offer a tiered service that means you only pay for what you need. You can get us to take care of all pool maintenance while you are away or you can get us out to check it occasionally while a neighbour or friend takes care of the routine maintenance and keeps a general watch over it.

How it works

Each time we visit we start out as a Tier 1 service - a water test, empty the baskets, and a quick check up of the equipment. If we notice anything that could cause problems for your pool we increase the service to the next appropriate tier. If everything is looking good we leave it as a Tier 1 service and you get the cheapest possible holiday maintenance. 

These services can be booked in for whatever frequency you like, though we recommend a weekly check up to ensure nothing goes wrong between visits.

Billing Terms

Normally we bill via email with next day payment terms but realise that while you are on holidays you don't want to be thinking about bills back home. You also may not have reliable access to email or payment services.

If you have a history with us we can bill with end of month terms so you don't have to worry about missing an invoice. For new clients, we still offer extended terms but require a direct debit or credit card for payments on the due date.

Tiered Service

Our tiers have the same inclusions and conditions as our normal services but with the extra level of care required for an unoccupied property.

Tier 1 - Water Test & Equipment Check

Tier 2 - Standard Service

Tier 3 - Minor Vacuum Service

Price List

Follow up visits

Sometimes you may need a follow up visit after one of the services. For these types of situations we will charge the weekly rate for whatever service is performed.